Things I love: Makeup

12:01 AM

Photo from

Growing up, I always watch my mom do her makeup. Until such time that I had interest in it. I remember very well how I sneak into my mom's things to play with her eyeshadow (my favorite was the champagne-y gold shade) and put in on my lid and wash it off when I'm satisfied.

My very first makeup was a pencil eyeliner. I had it when punk dominated the fashion world -- plaid, black pants, black shirts (usually band merch), silver chain and the ever famous black eyeliner. You know? 2010. When I was on my freshmen year in highschool, dark lower lash line was the trend and I would go to school with my black eyeliner on. 

Until my mom knew about it and started buying me colored ones like these below.

Photo from Millsie Scribbles

Time passed and the trends have changed,so I left the eyeliner craze in the year 2011 and started to watch makeup tutorials on Youtube. Then my Aunties from abroad would send us loads of makeup, from foundation to lipstick, name it. Since I'm still studying, I'm not yet gonna have that much money to buy my own makeup so everything I use right now is either given or bought from a local store.

What's your first-ever makeup? Comment below and let's be friends! :)

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  1. I have pale lips since ... ever since. haha. I remember buying a lipstick for 10 pesos when I was in High School just so I won't look like a living dead. haha. :)

    1. OMG I remember having a lot of those. Bought them because of the cute packaging tho.. Hahaha! good old days :)


I ' M O N Y O U T U B E / /

