Freelancer not "Free Lang Sir"

9:25 PM

Being in the industry since forever, I know how hard it is to earn through art. Some people don't really see the importance or essence of it. Some even say "Madali lang yan gawin." I often hear this a lot and I find it ironic that the people who say it are actually the ones who cannot do it or does not even have the balls to try it. So here you are, reading my post hoping to find out what explanation I have to this. Well, there is really no deep explanation. I am only going to share what I learned from all the experiences I had.

1. Friends. These of all people. They are your number one "libra nalang hairdo" or "thank you sa layout ha?". Your friends should be supporting you in the first place, but how is that possible when all they do is have a piece of your precious time in exchange for nothing? Do not get me wrong. I love my friends (some of you might be reading this right now hahaha), but sometimes, we need to scratch the idea of friendship and actually do what is needed to be done.

2. "Possible Clients". These people are the type of people who wants to "test" your skills and talent "before they will hire you for the bigger event/thing", of course, you'll do everything to earn and having a sure client is a plus! So after everything you've done you'll earn nothing because after all it's a "testing" but that's okay because you'll earn something for the bigger even anyway. Lo and behold, the bigger event never really reached you. So, for short, they didn't like your work and they didn't event tell you. Yep, I can relate, friends. *pats back*

3. The last but not the least--Family. I know, I know. This is because when there's a event or something, your family taps you because well, what better way to share your talent. And in return you get no pay, just a couple of "wows", "good jobs" and again "thank yous". But that's okay, they're family anyway.

If you're at the point of this post, wow. You survived all my nonsense back there. You might think that based from this post, I demand a lot of pay by venting out and posting this. Well, no.  After all we're just kids who wants to share our talents and skills to the world, but sometimes the universe conspires against us. After all, we do everything for the love of art!

Do you have similar experiences as these? Hit the comments section and let's be friends!

xo, chelsea

image from quickmeme

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