I'm Taking What?

7:51 PM

Since I want my blog to be a window of my life, I’m gonna share something about me. Yep. Something kinda personal and I think it will give you an idea of what really I am since I haven’t properly introduced myself yet. So, I am emphasizing something in this post: My Course—Communication Arts.

Many of you may know this as “Mass Comm”, yes, it’s formerly named Bachelor of Science in Mass Communication but it was changed later on to Bachelor of Arts in Communication along with some changes in the curriculum.

I would say that BA Comm or Masscomm is a stereotyped course. Let me ask you, what comes into your mind when you hear the words masscom? Obviously it’s broadcasting and journalism. But there’s more than that. This course offers subjects such as photography, advertising, public relations, desktop publishing, magazine production, theatre production, film appreciation and etc which trains and prepares its graduates to have a career in such fields.

I honestly had no idea what my future will be in this course, because when I was in high school, I was really into debate and because of it I thought of taking political science. But moms will always be moms and she wants me to graduate from the same school she did. So here I am, taking BA Comm. Don’t get me wrong, I love this course so much. I met a lot of amazing people and I get to do what I love to do.

I remember some of my senior high school retreat letter addressed like this: “To one of the best photographers I know” I didn’t have any clue that it’s already a sign of what my path would be. Another thing I remember is my interest in digital arts, you know, the usual Adobe Photoshop freak.  And I follow this artist whose works I admire so much and things came unexpectedly:  He became my teacher when I was in Freshman College.

I’m currently in my sophomore year and I faced a lot of challenges already, from journalism to photography, everything that was said and done was no joke. Everything felt like it’s the real world already. Speaking of real world, we get to do our major exams practically which helps us in many ways that I can’t think of right now. I’m taking this course at the Ateneo de Zamboanga University and I don’t know what the remaining two years (hopefully) have in store for me.

So I guess that’s it for this post. How about you? Tell me something about your course, I would love to hear it!

Comment below and let’s be friends!

Chelsea, XO

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