How To Move On (According To My High School Self)

2:51 AM

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One time while I was cleaning my room, I found a stash of old notebooks and papers. I browsed through them and found a quiz notebook. If you're a high school in the Philippines, a quiz notebook is a must, ayt? I scanned through the pages and I saw this journal entry.

It's dated February 20, 2014 so I was 15 when I wrote this and it's a quiz for expository essay. Let's get through it, shall we?

How to Get Over a Relationship / Your Ex

            Everybody goes to a breakup. It can’t be avoided especially in our generation. Some can get over it in a short period of time and some cannot. And for those who cannot, this tutorial is for you.

            Getting over a breakup isn’t easy, but I’m sure, these tips will help you. First, ditch all the memories that you had with your ex. All the pictures and the messages, delete them. Second is cry. Cry a lot, it will help in easing the pain. Third, give him/her your last words. Fourth, do not stalk his profile, seeing his/her face will not help anyway. Fifth, accept everything. Remember, acceptance is the key to moving on. And lastly, dare to fall in love with someone better than your ex.

            I hope I helped you with the tips I gave. And I hope you’ll find someone. Remember, when something ends, something starts.

Wow, as I was typing this, I had sudden realizations. I cannot explain how I feel right now because it's a nostalgic and innocent thing. I guess I was "broken-hearted" over my first love when I wrote this. Hahaha, I really didn't imagine myself writing something like this. To be honest, I was kinda surprised when I read the whole thing because there are a lot of errors in this essay, like the usage of words and all that crap. Hahaha

Anyway, I hope you got the tips and hopefully it will help you along the way because I remember so well how I felt while writing this. 

How about you, did you have any puppy love related journal entries? Share them down in the comments and let's be friends!!!

xo, chelsea

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